Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 12: Seattle (snowpocalypse??)

I experienced a winter storm today in Seattle.  I was warned that people will not know what to do with the snow.  I took the warning as seriously as possible.

I wake up and look at the window.  I can't see the orange-pink glow of the sky that usually signifies snow at home.  I walk over to the window and pull the blinds aside.  There is definitely some snow.  I figure most things will be closed so I am not in any hurry to go anywhere. I am cold so I hop in the shower.  That warms me up and I get some breakfast and make my blow up mattress look presentable.  I decide today is probably a good day to do laundry so I throw a load in.  I waste some time waiting for it to finish.  I call my credit card company because it appears I have been charged twice for my Vancouver hotel.  One of them is a pending charge so they can't do anything about it now. Bummer. About noon, I wander outside.  The snow is really really wet and sloppy.  In some areas it is holding up ok but in others it is a watery sloshy mess. 

I decide to walk a few blocks and get some coffee. I then stop by an ATM so I have cash just in case.  (I have emergency cash but I don't want to touch that....)  I decide to check on my truck; it's only a few more blocks down.  T Rex is covered in a snowy blanket and looks ok.  I consider getting my mittens or xtratuffs out of the truck but don't want to mess with the snow.  And besides, I don't want it to look like I am able to get to the truck.  With the winter weather as it is, I might be able to get away without fully paying for parking!  So I make do with my mesh-based Salomons. I should have gotten the water proof ones!

I decide to walk down and see if the underground Seattle tour is open.  I have nothing better to do since I have already decided against driving and skiing.  (I am kind of regretting this decision right now since the roads were not bad today and will probably be icy tomorrow)  I walk down the hills toward pioneer square and see a lady slip in front of me.  Come on!  This really is not bad. The snow is so wet that it squished below your foot and almost glues your foot to the sidewalk.  I practically run down the hill past everyone.  I am waiting to cross when a guy (who had also been speedily descending the hill) cautioned me to be careful.  I tell him this isn't bad, I'm from Alaska.  He walks with me to the bottom of the hill and we talk about Alaska, the weather, his job (he's a coach), where he's from.  We then part ways.  It takes me a while to actually find the walking tour. I finally do and it is closed due to the weather.  Damn.  I kind of expected that.  Dana did warn me.  I decide to get some food and head back. 

On my way back, a random passerby asks me how I am possibly staying warm in my super thin coat.  I tell him I am fine, it's not bad.  Other than my hands it really isn't bad.  No wonder I stick out so badly here.  I am under dressed for the conditions.  I walk back up the hill.  Luckily, it still is not too icy.   After all, people are out shoveling and putting down ice melt like it's going out of style. I am amused by the number of vehicles with chains on.  I have never seen people actually use chains before.  With the exception of large trucks and delivery vehicles.

I get back, my feet and jacket soaked. I spend the rest of the day indoors.  I dry my laundry and pull out my book and read some.  I also finally finish my Ferry blog post and plan the next few days of my trip.  I also fold my laundry and put it back in my suitcase.  Wooo hoo! 

Dana gets off work early and made some awesome spaghetti and corn bread and is nice enough to share. She also shares that Sea Trac received 6.8 inches of snow today, which is a record.  At least I have gotten to experience this record setting Seattle snow!!!

Tomorrow, I had planned to go skiing.  But I don't want to die so unless the snow is melted (which is possible) that probably won't happen.  Maybe I will try the underground tour again!  Yay for a reasonable length post :)

Snowy Seattle

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