Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 11: Seattle

I wake up to the sound of someone shoveling loudly outside.  I think they are trying to shovel the nonexistent snow with a metal tipped snow shovel.  They keep this up for a long time.  It's about 8:30 so I decide I may as well get up.  One nice thing about this traveling thing is I am finally sleeping and waking up at reasonable times.  Sweet!!  I shower and wander around the apartment for a bit.  I then hear the sound of a truck backing up and remember my truck has been parked on the street for well over the 2 hour time limit.  I don't think that it sounds like a tow truck but just to be safe I decide I should probably go move my truck to a longer term spot. I wander outside to the truck.  It is still there.  Safe and sound.  Good work T Rex, you survived the night on the streets of Seattle.  I start it up and drive a few blocks down to a parking lot.  I pull out my bag of laundry (Dana said I could use her washer/dryer.  Yess!!!) and put my snowboard stuff away (I haphazardly threw it in there yesterday.  It was to cold to pack it back up.)  I walk back to the apartment, stopping for coffee on the way.  I remember that this is the birthplace of Starbucks and add that to my list of places to see today.  Actually, at this point, it is the only thing on my list. 

I make it back to the apartment and grab some food.  I figure out the direction I need to go to find the original Starbucks.  I put on a long sleeved shirt and my windbreaker/rain jacket.  It's Seattle.  I'm an Alaskan.  I'll be fine.  Pike Market is a few blocks away.  I take a somewhat round about route and find myself in Freedman Park. It is awesome.  It is practically a concrete labyrinth.  Well, not that confusing, but concrete stairs and walls and paths going everywhere. I am impressed.

Freeman Park!

I walk by a watch store.  A super fancy watch store.  I love watches so I decide to go in and just check out these Omega watches.  Did I mention it is a super fancy storeI go to open the door and there is a guy standing there to open it for me.  He is paid to open that door.  Wow.  I walk in and a salesman sees me. "You're on a mission today.... to buy a new timepiece!" "uhh, actually, I was just wandering and I saw this place and I like watches so I thought I would look." He doesn't miss a beat. He starts talking about the collection that I am standing nearest.  I tell him about my history of breaking watches and that I like to just wear one watch for everything.  I never take off my watch.  For anything.  Ever.  I look at all the pretty watches, he pulls a few out for me to try on. I check the price tag just for fun. $6,900.  Damn, this thing cost more than my truck.  By a lot.  I look at some more and I thank him and tell him I will think about it.  He insists on giving me a catalog.  And putting it in a bag.  Great, now I have a bag to walk around Seattle with that advertises that I have tons of money to spend on a watch.  Not the message I want to send and definitely not accurate.

I leave the watch store and head toward Pike Market.  I am stopped by a girl on the street.  "Do you have a minute" "Uhhh, yeah"  So she talks to me about UNICEF for a while and wants me to sponsor them.  I have been meaning to get involved in some sort of organization so I am an easy sell.  Sure, sign me up.  I really don't have money now but I can spare a few dollars.  After signing up there, I go about 20 steps and am stopped by another girl.  This one talks to me about sponsoring a child in a 3rd world country.  I try a little harder to resist this one since I just signed up to help people 5 minutes ago.  Eventually I am convinced.  I am now sponsoring a child in Chili.  Oh well, like I said.  I had been meaning to get involved in this kind of thing for a while now and just haven't felt financially stable enough to do it.  In a few months I will be anyway.  Note to self: Do NOT tell ANYONE else that I have time.  I am very very busy and in a hurry and not on a 3 month vacation with no obligations to be anywhere at any certain time. 

I get to Pike's Market and wander around.  It starts to snow a little.  I admit to myself that my attire choice was poor and I am freezing.  I walk some more and find the original Starbucks.  I pull out my phone, take some pictures, and then take a very touristy video.  Oh well, I am sure they have seen a tourist before.  I walk some more and find a park overlooking the waterfront.  I pull out my phone and take some pictures.  Some guy comes up behind me. "Want me to take a picture of you?" No, no, I do not.  I don't know you and I am not about to hand my iPhone 4 to you buddy.  I politely decline.  He asks where I am from. I look around.  Good, there are lots of people within screaming distance. Just in case. He seems harmless but I don't want to take chances. I tell him Alaska.  So is he apparently.  He wants to know if I want to smoke some pot with him and his buddies.  No, I don't do that.  He is confused as to how I can possibly be from Alaska and not smoke pot.  I tell him I am just weird like that.  He then wants me to meet his other buddy from Alaska. He comes over, I say hi, and he offers me some pot.  I decline again. He is also amazed and confused.  I just wanted to get out of there so I tell them I am freezing and am going to go find somewhere inside and wish them a nice day. I don't know what about me makes me look so approachable today. Whatever it is, it is not cool and needs to stop. This is getting to be too much.
Self Explanatory?

I wander through Pike Market.  I see the Pike Brewery that I hung out at the last time I was in Seattle.  I see them throwing the fish.  I decide to check out the aquarium.  I walk in and buy a ticket.  The guy sees my bag and asks if I bought a watch.  Shit, I am still carrying this thing. Asking for trouble.  I tell him that it's just a catalog.  I walk into the aquarium and dispose of the bag.  I spend a few hours wandering around looking at fish.  Luckily I am easily amused by swimming things.  I miss Hawaii and think of how much fun it was to snorkel there.  I wander to their mammal section.  THEY HAVE A 4 DAY OLD BABY SEA OTTER.  And it is CUTE!!!! I spend a lot of time at the otter exhibit. The mom and baby are adorable.  They have a male otter too who is flipping over and over and appears to be cleaning himself.  It is all cute.  I guess I believe that their fur is denser than that of a chinchilla.  They are extremely fluffy. Though I bet Chip is softer.  I then visit the river otters who are racing around their tank.  They aren't as cute but they are fun too.

Sea Otter :)

I leave the aquarium, buy a hot dog from a vendor (claims to be the best in town.  It was good but I have nothing to compare it to) and head to Pioneer Square.  I wander around for a bit and check out the sights.  I am about tired of walking at this point so I head back toward the apartment. 

I have walked quite a ways. And most of the way back is uphill.  Awesome fun there.  I finally make it back and pull out my book and do some reading.  At some point Dana texts me to make sure I am finding my way around ok and all.  Yes I did.  I saw lots of fun things.  She gets back a little while later and we go get some dinner.  I ask her to take me to the most Seattle-y place possible.  Apparently that would be seafood. She doesn't do the seafood thing and I get plenty of that in Alaska so she suggests an Asian place that I cant remember the name of.  Sounds good to me!  I put on slightly warmer clothes before going out this time.  We walk to the place.  The food is awesome!  We stop by a cupcake place on the way back and I get a mint chocolate cupcake.  They give it to me in a near indestructible cupcake holder. The cupcake is awesome too. And I have a sweet souvenir.  And "tupperware" for my trip! At some point along the walk I apologize for my inability to take this snow thing seriously.  And admit that while the snow here sucks (it doesn't even stick around for a whole day!) the icy, just at or above freezing conditions are pretty bad.

We head back and have a long conversation about skiing and Alyeska and other fun stuff. Which brings me to now.  Tomorrow it was supposed to snow 14 inches.  It has been downgraded to 6.  However, I hear that that much snow will cause some shutting down of things.  So I have no plan for tomorrow.  I'll just play it by ear.  Maybe I'll just make a snowman in the middle of the street.  Or something :)

Cool Building

"Sinking" parking garage

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