Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Making friends hiking Flat Top

So I read this lovely inspiring article the other day. Basically it was about how awesome it is to be outside, which I agree with. So when I get off work on Monday a lot earlier than I was expecting, I decide it would be a good idea to hike Flat Top. 

Well, I have a softball game at 7:30 and I had gotten off at 4... that gives me a good 3.5 hours to get to the trail, hike, and get back. I know some crazy people who can climb the mountain in half an hour so I figured it wouldn't be too hard to do.  

By the time I get through traffic and to my house, it is 4:30. I decide I should eat something and end up leaving to hike around 5. I get up the mountain around 5:30. Ok. 2 hours: ready: hike!

I get around the first part without much problem. I go the "wrong way" around blueberry knoll. We went this way when it was all snowy so why not go this way now?  I get to the back side of the knoll and see a trail up the mountain that I have not used before. I have seen people go up it in the winter with mountaineering gear. It looks like fun. I start up the trail and find a sign. "Old route up flat top. Extremely strenuous and unmaintained. Use new route" Hmmm, sounds like a good way to go.

I start up the trail and run into a snowy patch. It is super slippery and its steep. I slowly make my way across the snow to the trail up. This is not helping me make good time.... I look up the hill and it only gets steeper. Well, it's too late to turn back now; I don't want to go down that snow I just went up.... I continue to go up... on all 4s. It is way too steep to walk up. I scramble up the rocks and dirt using my hands and feet and finally make it to the bottom of the final ascent.

I start up the rocky grade and stop to catch my breath and look at the view. A few people coming down do the same. I somehow end up talking to them and taking a million pictures. I have them stand all over the place. No no, I think I can get a better shot if you stand there.... I wish them a happy hike and continue running up the mountain. I am going to be late to the game if I don't start moving!

I get the rest of the way up as fast as I can. It is starting to rain so the rocks are getting slippery... boo. Nevertheless, I make it to the post marking the top in 55 minutes. Ok! 6:30ish... game starts in an hour. Ready, go!

I start down the mountain. I pass a girl that I saw on my way up. She is moving slowly and safely down the rocks. She asks me how much I hike the mountain... a lot! We talk some and then I head off. Just a little further down the mountain I stumble upon some tourists debating if they should go to the top or not.  It is raining a little and the rocks are getting slick. Not to mention that visibility has been better... I encourage and convince them to head to the top. They are practically there anyway. We talk about their trip and how awesome Alaska is. I wish them a safe trip and continue on my way.

At this point, I am practically running down the mountain. Probably a bad idea. I hit a slippery rock and slide, barely catching myself. Some random dude walks by "woahhh, sweet slide! that was awesome!"  Why thank you random dude.

I make it down the top part of the trail and run into my picture buddies again. I say hi and we talk for a bit again. I check my watch... going to be late!  I run off down the mountain. It is more of a trail than a rocky climb at this point. I go the opposite way from my way up. I don't exactly remember the way down and end up on a very steep unofficial trail down. I stop running and walk at this point.  Too steep! Shit... I go plummeting down the trail and come to a skidding stop on the actual trail before, right before I would have gone over the edge and probably hurt myself. All of this is done right in front of a family on a hike. They applause and I get a "you go girl!". I feel super cool, smile, and continue running down the trail.

I run around almost to the bottom... and find more snow. Snow in july, seriously Alaska!?!?! I carefully tread across it. I end up way above where the trail should be. Oops. I look down and see some guys hiking on the actual trail. They see me. "Oh no! don't even think about falling on me!"  I hear. Don't worry dude, I wont!  I wait for them to pass. They don't. Apparently they are concerned for my safety and insist on helping me off the snow. "give me your hand, really!"  "I WILL fall on you if we do this..." "No no, it's fine!".  I grab his hand, and slide out of control down the snow before finally falling all over the place and knocking him over. He laughed and we all continue on our way.

I practically sprint the last part of the trail back to my truck in just under 25 minutes after reaching the top. 7:00. Perfect! I should make the game.  I set off down the road and a weird animal runs out in front of me. I stop and stare at it before realizing it is a lynx (or bobcat?) how do you tell those apart? AWESOME!

It ends up taking me longer to drive across town to my game than it took me to get down the mountain. Kind of sad, but I make it to my game in time. :D

The end!

See I do update this on occasion!  :)  Sorry for the lack of editing..... 

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