Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reflections on my trip: the passage of time

While taking a walk to Fred Meyer today, I had some interesting thoughts. I remember taking this same walk before I left. I had some interesting trains of thoughts that I wanted to share. 

One thing that has always fascinated me is the passage of time. To me, once something has past it kind of becomes part of a huge collection of "things that are over and affect me now but can't be changed". It is over, done, and almost doesn't exist anymore. I mean, I remember it happening, but memories are kinda faulty, ya know? You ask 5 people who were at the same place having the same experience and you get 5 different stories of what happend.

I have experienced a similar feeling when I visited Huntsville after graduating high school after having been gone for a few years. I was back at the same place and it was really hard to comprehend how much time had passed. I mean, there were plenty of different things and many of the people I had known there weren't there anymore or we no longer had anything in common. But really, it was like I had never left. I was there before and I am there now so really, what is the difference?

Anyway, tying this in. I left Anchorage for almost three months ago and had an amazing time traveling around and seeing stuff. However, as soon as I was back in familiar territory, it was almost like I had never left. I mean, I go back to my same condo and go to the same store and see the same people and go to the same places. I picked up right where I left off. It was almost like the last three months didn't even happen. I mean, I know they did but being here, it is hard to remember anywhere else.

On the flip side, while I was away, it was really hard to remember home. I mean, of course I remember my family and friends and everything else. But not actually being there, it just seemed less real. It was weird being in a new place every week or day so. I have never had that experience before. I mean, traveling, yes. But I have always gone somewhere, stayed there, and then gone home. Not this ongoing journey deal.

I guess the point I am trying to make and to take away from all of this is that whatever is happening here and now at this moment should be enjoyed to the fullest. As soon as it's over, it's gone. And is never coming back. I mean, something similar might happen un the same place but it will never be exactly the same? At the same time, if whatever situation you are in is awful, it too will pass eventually. I mean, your experiences will always stay with you but the longer it has been since the actually happened, the less real they will become.

They say that time is the 4th dimension. I mean 1 dimension is a point, supposedly. So that is kinda like you. Just as you are without the world around you. Just you as a single point. Then there are to dimensions. So that is like a piece of paper. Kind of hard to relate to life I guess. However, it is kind of the way that (I think) a lot of people see things. I am lucky enough to be able to imagine (some) things in 3 dimensions but I know some people don't. So 2d is kind of like thinking. Or talking. Or writing I guess. If that makes sense. Then 3d is real life. I mean you can move in any direction you want, gravity limited of course.

Time is the 4th. Or so they say. I am not so sure that I believe that. Since we are so limited in our experience of it. I mean, other than now, we have no control over what we are experiencing time wise. in the 3rd dimension, we can be anywhere we choose to be, gravity permitting of course. Time, all we get is now. We can remember previous time, but can not go back. We can envision future time, but we can not go forward and whatever we envision, it never turns out that way. At least not exactly. Time has its own way of working way beyond what we can control. I would argue that time is more like the first dimension. I mean, all we can really control or see is a miniscule amount of time, kind of like a point. Oh well, anyway, this is getting too technical.

A few years ago, I totally didn't get this. I still might not totally get it, but I am moving in that direction. Seize the moment and make the most of it. If the moment sucks, it will pass. But really, most things really aren't that bad.

Hopefully, I am not too crazy and this is mildly interesting :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not post a comment.

    I have blogs also obviously, and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.

    I mostly post about the California experience through the perspective of personal writings, and my art.

    Maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon… :)

    Jesse Noe Mendez
