Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 36: Wildlife World Zoo/Dragon World

I wake up later than I want to. Like at 10:30. Which is 8:30 Alaska time and pretty early for a weekend.  And 9:30 for the timezone I am used to. Oh well. I wander downstairs and Hanna is already awake. And she has been going to school and actually doing stuff all week. Anyway, we decide to go to the zoo. We had seen an ad for "dragon world" on the TV and thought it sounded pretty sweet. The highs are in the 80s today so I go put on shorts and a tank top. She comes downstairs and sees me. "Oh no, we are both wearing blue shirts with horizontal stripes. We are going to look like retards."  Ha. I have matched much worse. I have been known to wear the exact same shirt as my friend without planning before.... Anyway, she changes into a brown shirt and off we go. I feel less like a retard. :)

We take the T Rex since she has been driving me around all week. We arrive at the Wildlife World Zoo about an hour later. I spend a lot of the ride there babbling about the roads and how Arizona has a lot of concrete roads overlayed with asphalt. Man, am I cool! There are no parking spots. I end up driving up a hill and parking on it like a total bad ass. The people nearby stare at me for a while. Yup, like I said, I am super cool!
Sweet parking job
We walk in and start looking at the animals. It does not take long to find the "small animals" exhibit. This is full of adorable animals; monkeys, rodents, and a chinchilla. We see some larger animals outside and then find "dragon world". Dragon world is full of crocodiles, alligators, lizards, and snakes. Pretty cool.

Dragon World!

One of the "dragons"!
We wander some more and see some zebras. I ask her if they are black on white or white on black. A totally random lady hears me ask and comes up behind me and says both. Woah, where did she come from???  Anyway, we ended up with two votes for black on white and one for both. I decide that a train ride is in order. It turns out to not be as exciting as the one that I remember at the Cincinnati Zoo years ago. It does not help that the train gets stuck and the "engineer" asks for the guys to get out and help push it. Oh dear. The train eventually gets unstuck and we make the loop.

At the giraffe feeding station.  Their tongues are so long!
After the somewhat anticlimactic train ride, we head to the petting zoo and are not disappointed. It is full of baby goats and alpacas. There are also adult goats, deer, and birds but they were not as exciting. We spend a while petting, taking pictures of, and possibly mildly terrifying the baby animals. After this, we decide to check out the aquarium part of the zoo.  On the way, we pass by a child that is IN an exhibit trying to catch a snapping turtle. Oh dear, parents, please control your children. This is NOT the petting zoo. Please get your children on the correct side of the fence. I totally understand your little girl wanting to catch a turtle, but please do it in the wild! Anyway, they have some exotic animals in the aquarium that I have never seen before in real life: Poision arrow frogs and chambered nautiluses. Pretty cool to see. At this point it is getting close to closing time.

Me and the baby alpaca
Hanna with the deer
This one makes me laugh every time. The goat looks so terrified and rigid!!
On the way out, we stop by the "baby animal nursery". This proves to be less exciting than the petting zoo. There are very few animals in here at all. Bummer. We head on out of the zoo. An hour later, we are back at the house. She makes some salmon for dinner. It's awesome. At some point later, I concludethat I want ice cream. I decide to go to Cold Stone for some ice cream. Instead, I go to the grocery store. I actually know where that is. I end up coming back with eggs (because she is out and I ate some of them) and beer. Fail on the ice cream acquisition.

The colors are so vibrant!!

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